aboutmeMy name is Deniz A., but you can call me “Deniza”.

I’m 23 years old and a medical student from Germany.

This blog is going to be a collaboration of the Fields of Medicine, Fitness and Nutrition. To recover from my own medical conditions I  researched a lot about proper nutrition and strength training for a healthy balanced body. 

My intention is to encourage other people with/ without medical conditions to live a healthy, fit and balanced lifestyle.

Don’t let any disease stop you from achieving your dream body and health!

If you have any questions, I’d be glad to help you find an answer. I was alone with my medical condition, but you don’t have to be! Let’s walk this road together…

The Background Story:

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My Transformation

Back Pain

I struggled with back pain due to Scoliosis and hip dysplasia nearly my entire life.

Unfortunately, no doctor or physiotherapist was able to help me in my condition. I read dozens of papers on Sports Medicine and Science and was able to decrease my pain with proper strength training.

About 5-6 years ago I discovered “Fitnessblender“. I was told I need to strengthen my upper back, so I searched on Google for “Rhomboid Exercises”. Since then I have been training with Fitnessblender and was able to decrease muscle imbalances in my body and establish a healthy relationship with fitness.

This is my favorite quote by Kellie:

“It’s not about what you look like, it’s about what your body can do”.

Today, I am proud I am able to lift heavy weights, HIIT like a girl (Fitnessblender fan’s will understand) or do advanced yoga poses without straining my back or end up injured… .


On top of that, I had major issues with proper Nutrition due to stones in my gall bladder. I was not able to digest anything and was underweight. With help from my mother and becoming physically stronger with Fitnessblender Workouts, I was able to build a healthy relationship with food too and love my body.

Commit to your Health

I started this blog to share my knowledge, help others who might have similar conditions and to make people realize that anything is possible.

I was told I have to live with the pain but I proved them wrong!

2015-08-14 08.54.59As a going-to-be-doctor I’d like you to know:

There is no pill that can magically heal you. You have to be part of the healing process and put in your effort. Don’t ever give anyone else the responsibility of your own body and health. Always be critical and open to knowledge! Learn to listen to your body’s signals.

This is why I would like to explain the physiological processes in the body when giving tips on Nutrition or Fitness.

Knowing what happens in your body when you eat certain foods or train in a specific way is a huge enrichment and might be useful for people with medical conditions as well!

Never give up on yourself! We only have this one chance to live a happy, fulfilled life.

Wish you all the best on your journey.



Let’s connect on Social Media:

Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter / Facebook

41 responses to “

  1. It’s awesome that you have a blog now, Deniza! You’ve been inspirational on Fitness Blender, and it’s great that now you can be accessible to everybody who is interested in health and fitness and willing to learn and put in the hard work of getting well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear! This would not have been possible without the encouragement I got on Fitnessblender! I am forever grateful for your kindness and constant support! :*


  2. We have a similar philosophy on health and life. I have only suggested my blog site to two other people because of the mutual benefit we all offer each other from slightly different perspectives. As a chiropractic physician I worked extensively with scoliosis and other structural issues. I explained that health required active participation and developed various protocols to help make their participation realistically achievable. If you are interested in seeing my approach to health related topics you can go to https:AllAboutHealthyChoices.wordpress.com I think you will find it interesting.

    Stay healthy and happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind comment! I was only able to quickly take a glance on your posts (travelled a lot today), but I am amazed by the content already. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a good chiropractor near my hometown in Germany. I found most of my techniques of training for scoliosis on chiropractic and sports medicine sites thought 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If you would like an additional perspective (not in place of your current successful approach) I will gladly help. I will give you my email address so I don’t have to take up your blog space. My address is JNCtheDC93@yahoo.com. You have done a phenomenal job at a young age to get as far as you have. You should be very proud!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Deniza,

    Great start with this blog! I’m looking forward to your next posts. I nominated you for the Liebster award, you can find all information on my blog 🙂

    XOXO, Nikki

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Deniza, It is great what you are doing here on your blog. You are helping a lot of people including myself. 🙂 I also struggle with back issues. I have had two back surgeries due to damaged disks, so I struggle with making sure I watch my posture and to not sit for long periods of time. I also need to be healthier in my eating habits, so you are right on time. 🙂 Keep up the great work you are doing and I hope you remain healthy and happy!


    • Thank you for this lovely comment, dear! Brightened my day for sure! I will write more specifically about back pain and scoliosis in the future, I hope you will find that useful! Wish you a wonderful day :*


  6. Hello Deniza,

    You should be very proud of yourself! Great job with being aware that your weight was causing more health problems, and you chose to do something about it.
    I’m going through a similar event myself. One day at a time. When you hit 50, it is so much harder to get the weight off. I also Thank You for visiting my blog. I have 2 blog here on WP. My recovery blog and I am a book promoter as well. Stop by my Book Promotions blog too and find your next book to read! 🙂

    Much Happiness,
    Author, Catherine Lyon XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi! I’ve chosen you to receive the Blogger Recognition Award. If you would like to accept this award, the rules are: 1. Tell how your blog got started. 2. Give some advice to new bloggers 3. Choose blogs that you would like to pass the award on to and let them know. You can read the award post on my blog.
    –Joan 🙂


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